A coworker of mark’s suggested we visit the fern grotto in Kauai so tuesday was our day to take the tour. The boys spent the morning surfing at a new beach that was much more difficult than the first day – Jul and I spent the morning with the kids down at the beach. After lunch we dressed Niko and Elsie in their matching rompers and headed off to the river for the trip.
When we arrived they told us to buy some beverages because it was HOT at the Fern Grotto – uh oh, already Mark and Scott were skeptical and starting to sweat. We boarded the river boat and headed out …
here are the cute matching rompers
Niko relaxed with some snacks:
Elsie hung with mom and dad:
When we arrived at the Fern Grotto we had to walk about 200 yards back to a wooden platform that overlooked a large cave covered in Green ferns. It was not spectacular. It was just a fern covered cave and it was extremely hot. They asked how many had been to the grotto before, 50% of these people had been and decided to come back – why, I have no idea.
I snapped this photo, we turned around and headed back to the river boat.
I had the bean on my shoulders for the walk back, she has lots to learn from nicholas on how best to ride on shoulders (note to elsie – mom’s hair should not be used as reins or put in to your mouth!)
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