It is with great sadness that we learned of Brooke’s passing on September 7th. Brooke was a lifelong mentor for me, an aunt of sorts, and a truly remarkable woman. She loved to travel the world, and we found ourselves in Italy, France, New Zealand and other spots with Brooke and her trusty chinese checkers set which would inevitably have to come out at any family gathering for the “mano a mano” contest for world domination.

I remember many weekends with her at her and Norman’s place on Fire Island, at retreats on Shelter Island, and lunches at the Harvard club (with bouts of Chinese checkers at all of them). Brooke loved champagne, Ouzo and ice with almost everything. Poor waiters would puzzle at her request for a glass of ice to go along with her beer – she was a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. (See Norman)

Brooke, we’ll all miss you.

Here’s Brooke with Greg D in New Zealand last year during the Nelson boy’s school reunion (where Michael went to school). That night we not only had a great deal of fun but also learned about the tragic toll being taken on New Zealand’s male population – the silent epidemic of suicide. Not a funny subject, but enough to make us all wonder what sort of reunion we had walked in on.


NY Times Obituary