while mark and I slave away at our jobs, little miss elsie bean is off having a grand time with Bernie! Bernie brought the camera a few days to document the very hard life of a baby:
Swing Time
Laying in the grass on a blanket, Flowers in her hair
snuggling her little doggy
And sitting in her bumbo
Oh to be a baby!
September 21, 2007 at 2:37 pm
Great photos, Bernie! I can’t decide what would be more fun, being a baby or being Elsie’s nanny. It’s pretty good stuff when a professional nanny spends her day making sure our baby is happy, stimulated, and loved. Thanks for sharing.
September 21, 2007 at 6:22 pm
We should all have such a great life. I’ve been waiting all week for some new pics of the little bean. It was worth the wait.