This weekend we had Emma and Sophie Spruill’s joint birthday party. Elsie decided that she wanted to wear her Paris Party dress from Mart and Lew – we took a few photos before we headed out.
The best part of dresses – is pulling them up and chewing on them …
Here we are at the party with our new puj baby sling
The party was lots of fun – we are still to young to socialize, so we had fun playing with toys on our own … more things to put into our mouth
Jessica purchased a “kid friendly” Dora the Explorer pinata – just pull the strings and out come the goodies …
Elsie picked out a disguise … I don’t even know who the little bean is?
Of course there was cake, here’s Emma getting ready …
Sophie’s first cake
It was a great birthday – Emma made a great princess.
October 15, 2007 at 9:53 am
Elsie tickled her Mommy with the funny disguise. Who’d a thought she’d grow her eyebrows before she sprouted her mane???? The Sprulls really know how to throw a great party.