We had so much fun with Elsie’s first birthday. I love working on little details (it drives mark crazy) but I definitely think the details make the party.
We found some fun headbands in the target $1 area and that set the theme for the Garden Tea party. I found some fun paper at the Hobby Lobby. We did a photo shoot and got some great photos of Elsie for her invite. Mark (the spray mount champ) was a huge help with production work.
We used the various patterned paper all over. We covered party hats…
We backed acrylic disc’s to make a fun tablecloth
We (Well Andrea!) cut lots of butterflies out to cover the walls and windows
We covered bubble bottles and added little butterflies
Chloe put together some beautiful flower arrangements, and my mom made an elsie through the year photo set.
We made wine charms for the drink glasses – we had specialty mohito’s and sangria for the big day.
The centerpiece of the table was a 5 tiered cupcake display – on Friday my mom and I built the tiered stand using cake disc’s, cake pillars, hot glue and screws.
The birthday girl’s cupcake had a special flag
After a morning of prep we were ready to bring on the party!
April 26, 2008 at 8:23 pm
Oh my gosh, Mandy – when are they going to hire you on at Martha Stewart as the party specialist! This stuff is so cute. At least you should launch your own line of themed invitations and favors. I love it.
June 27, 2008 at 4:50 am
Hi Mandy,
Loooooove the site. I’m totally now dying to move out to CO. Your home is SOOOO gorgeaous! I did have one question for you (other than all praise for your gorgesou home, fam, and entertaining skills. lol)… I was wondering…those tiered plate holders you have in the picture of the food by the window? Do you know where you got those? I know, random, but I am on the search for two more *exaclty* like that and I’m coming up totally empy handed. If you could help a girl out I’d so appreciate it – goodthingscatered@hotmail.com
Thanks and keep up the awesomely inspiring blogging!
-Katie 🙂
June 27, 2008 at 8:28 am
Hi Mandy!
I posted on Elsie’s birthday party over at hostessblog.com yesterday for our “full week of real parties” that’s going on right now, and everyone is loving it! (which is not surprising at all!) Here’s a link to the write-up
Anyways, one of the readers had a question about where you had the invitations done – I know that they’re custom designed – and was just wondering if they were done 100% by you, or if you hired a graphic designer or a special printer to print them? Either way, it would be great if you could let us know so I can answer the question for that reader. You can either email me and I’ll post it the answer for you, or feel free to answer her directly over at the post.
Also, if there’s any other info that you’d like me to add to the post, please let me know. Thanks! And once again, amazing job on this party!
June 30, 2008 at 7:57 am
This is the most FABULOUS party! Great job! I love doing “over-the-top” parties with lots of fun details! I can just hear your guests oohing-and aahing! A quick question I had was where did you find the acrylic discs? I would really like to do something similiar for a housewarming party I’m giving the end of the month. Thanks so much for your time!
September 22, 2008 at 12:31 pm
I saw your daugter’s birthday on HWTM and congratulation, it was amazing and so colorful! I love it. Could you please let me know how you did your butterflies. I would like a template similar for my daughter decoration room. Thanks!
October 5, 2010 at 3:33 am
party hats are so cute that i have a collection of them.”~