Amy has started a play group and this month they met at the Golden Community Center in Golden. This was our first time attending but we couldn’t pass up swimming and social time with other babies.
The pool was awesome – it had a walk in entry for the toddlers and was filled with all sorts of water features.
The water was very warm which was perfect for the babies…
On this day there were 4 families – Asher (18m), Elsie (12m), Kai(10m) and Saffie (7m).
Elsie was very interested in the bubbling and shooting water. She even went down the big girl slide on mark’s lap (josh has a video of this)
Elsie loves her uncle Josh – she doesn’t quite love that Josh has his own baby. When Josh is there, Elsie is pulling at his legs to pick her up
she is learning to share with her cousin
Swimming is sooo fun!