More of our mother’s day weekend in Montana … Pat and Shelley hosted a fabulous dinner for us on Saturday so we could spend some more time relaxing and hanging out …

here is grammie with Elsie and Finley doing some reading



The next day we hosted a brunch for the Mom’s … Mark and my dad did most of the cooking, but my mom and I were big helps! Elsie also got another chance to meet her cousin Adrick (ben and crimson’s son) – he is 3 months younger than elsie and quite a big boy!



It was great to see the red heads unite!

red heads


Elsie had lots of fun with Grammie in the grass


grammie in the grass

We headed home Sunday afternoon – it was a quick trip, but my parents have completely set up the house for Elsie so we get to travel light (well as light as you can with a baby!).