It has been HOT, HOT, HOT so we headed out to find Elsie a fun water toy. We ended up with a Gigantic Beach Ball that hooks to a hose and sprays water. After much blowing, I convinced mark to get the compressor out to finish filling the giant ball up with air. We hooked the hose up and out came Elsie …
She was quickly drenched with water so we stripped her down and let her have a little bare bottom sun time
but when your clothes aren’t creating a buffer between the cold spray and your sensitive little skin it makes you VERY VERY SAD…
Dad quickly unhooked the hose. Elsie decided it was much more fun to push the giant ball around the lawn – no spray needed.
well maybe a tiny baby pool will do the trick … back to the store I guess!
July 9, 2008 at 8:14 am
Hi, Mandy,
Elsie is SO cute! I look forward to your pictures and stories – thanks for sharing your little girl with us!
July 9, 2008 at 3:45 pm
What a little cutie! Elsie’s right – why bother with clothes, they only get wet!
July 9, 2008 at 7:21 pm
Hi! I came upon your blog … what fun to read about you and your family.
Elsie is ADORABLE. Have lots of fun with her. They grow up too quickly. Mine turns 21 in October … Yucks!
July 10, 2008 at 7:47 pm
I came across your website while searching for “Garden Birthday Party’ ideas. My daughter, Elsa – turns one next week. How did you decorate the cupcakes? Where did you get the flower decorations? Your party looked awesome!
July 22, 2008 at 9:15 pm
Oh my gosh! It is the moments like this, isn’t it? So great to see you two enjoying parenthood. Hope we can hang out in person sometime and get all our kiddos together. Kieran turns 1 on Thursday, can’t believe it! Take care!