In Mark’s efforts to truly Go GREEN, he has asked us to not buy plastic toys* (although sometimes they just show up and I can’t really refuse them or find the slip to return them to target). Elsie had to improvise and found her most favorite toy yet … a card board box.
At first she wanted to push the box around, but quickly she convinced Grammie to pull her around in the Box (your chariot my lady)
Pulling the box was hard on our backs, so grammie rigged up a pull…
Papa didn’t think Grammie’s pull was good enough, so he added a big nylon roap, and the best game in the world was invented. First put your cousin, and your kitties in the box. Convince Grammie to pull and Elsie will push…
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* We are definitely allowed to have used plastic toys – Elsie and I look forward to hitting Garage Sales as she gets older!
August 1, 2008 at 7:22 am
A box, a ball, and crayons are about all kids really need to keep entertained. Like Grammie Pam, I spent lots of time pushing the grandkids in a box. I should have thought of the pull thing! Boys seem to like to ride boxes down the stairs if they can get away with it. It looks like Grammie is having a really good time. The tribute to your grandma was really wonderful. Thank you for sharing her spirit.
The girls just get cuter all the time, if that’s possible!