Yesterday was Elsie’s first day at School (a bilingual day care in Boulder). Here are a few shots of her just before she left …

with her suitcase packed with all the necessities (cuddles, wolfgang the dog, binky and an extra change of clothes). We opted for her Colorado Buff’s shirt in honor of Andrea’s last day (and her new adventure at CU)



Here she is making her way out the front door


out the door

and finally waiting for the bus (actually dad driving in the MDX)

waiting for the bus

the day was a success. Andrea showed up at 12 to join Elsie for lunch and play and then they came home around 1:30. It was a great first day – Elsie is already picking up Spanish words (thanks to Andrea’s early practice and the 100% spanish at school). I pulled out my Spanish for Dummies hoping I can actually be useful – Mark’s french and my piglatin aren’t really working here.