Last Saturday we started Gymnastics with Elsie. We have tried Gymboree and during the week Elsie goes to Kangaroo Kingdome which has lots of activities but we wanted to make sure we were giving Elsie the proper instruction on how to do a perfect somersault. 🙂
We found Little Gym and signed up for the Little Birds Class. This place was so cute – we arrived and met Miss Melissa (our teacher) and were amazed at the facility. Each week has a theme – and this week was backwards week. We worked on walking backwards and a backwards somersault as well as just exploring the different apparatuses. Little gym does a great job of providing lots of short little exercises/activities for the kids, but allowing them to participate when they want to. We found that any time music was on, Elsie would run to the red mat to show off her dancing moves.
Here she is practicing the beam with dad…
doing it on her own
Trying out the parallel bars
practicing on the bar with miss melissa
and now with dad
and her favorite activity, doing a backwards somersault!
If you are looking for a great gymnastics program – Little Gym is awesome!
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Favorite quotes of the day, both from mark…
before class: “from a dexterity point of view, Elsie is definitely above average”
after class: “she’s just like shawn johnson, only shorter!”
October 2, 2008 at 8:54 pm
She is to dye for cute. She looks like she is having a ball. Finley and I can’t wait until November when we get to meet up again.