This year for halloween Elsie is going to be a baby chick, in case you wondered baby chicks say “Bock, Bock”. 🙂
I decided to test out my limited sewing skilz on white hat with a comb (that red thing on the top of the rooster) and an egg treat bag. I started with the egg bag and opted to first create a paper prototype with some limited user testing (opinions from oh so bossy mark)Â …
here is the final bag, notice how I lined it with multiple colors of goldenrod … don’t notice how horrible my stitching is (although I justified this by saying it made the egg look more “cracked”)
After remembering how to use the sewing machine and completing the bag, I moved onto the hat with the red comby thing. Here I am with pieces of the fleece everywhere in my hair …
and modeling
The final steps were to dye a pair of white cotten tights with fabric dye, and safety pin on white feather boas to a white onsie and Voilla … we have a baby chick!
I can feel the candy rolling in already!
October 15, 2008 at 6:07 pm
Wow Mandy, she looks adorable! What a great costume idea and great execution. So so cute. I’m impressed with your creativity and sewing ability. 🙂
October 15, 2008 at 6:43 pm
OH MY GOD! Are you kidding me? That has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen. Elsie is one “lucky ducky” or should I say “lucky chicky.” Great job Mandy!
October 15, 2008 at 7:28 pm
That is completely adorable! Great idea, great results. Elsie is going to take the neighborhood by storm trick-or-treating in that costume.
October 15, 2008 at 8:37 pm
Oh, Mandy, she looks just adorable!!! What an incredibly talented mommy Elsie has! Thanks for sharing!
October 16, 2008 at 2:49 pm
I am very impressed at your creativity Mandy! She looks so cute and its an amazing outfit……..lucky girl for the future and the outfits you will be providing over the years!
October 17, 2008 at 7:51 am
Just too cute for words. Mandy, I could tell you were exceptional in third grade reading class, but you continue to blow me away with your creativity and wonderful “momminess”!!