This post is sooo overdue – excuse the tardiness.

This year we decided to give elsie a choice of birthday theme … we laid out three visual cards (Bugs – from bugs life, Under the sea – nemo and little mermaid, and Elmo) – in 5 seperate sittings we laid the cards out and had her choose. She chose bugs 4 of the times and Under the Sea once. But we did butterflies last year, so I overruled her choice and picked Under the Sea. I mean how many years do I get to do what I want – I need to take advantage of it!

This year I purchased invites from Tiny Prints (feeling like a failure since this is probably the one thing I should be doing for elsie)… they were very cute


Party Table…


Of course my mom outdid her last years cupcakes with this awesome two tier cake


Under the sea

We made crepe paper seaweed with balloons and little inflatable fish for our decorations around the house



We had a big sushi spread (which the sushi chef questioned … isn’t it odd that they are eating nemo?) We ignored him

Adult food

The biggest hit of the day was the dolphin bouncer we rented – it had a double slide and pretty much was the party. The kids loved it. We had it show up early so elsie could have her own time before the party go’ers arrived.

sand and water table


Elsie was very excited to sing happy birthday to herself

happy birthday

We also did a pinata – one of the string pull pinatas. After a few little ones pulled a string out Mia (standing directly under the pinata) walked over, grabbed all the strings and we were instantly in business (she’s no dummy)





Elsie loved the bubble machine and spent lots of time spinning and popping the bubbles


But then it was more jumper time






Happy Second Birthday Elsie Bean!

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even more photos here