This is the 5th year for Team vacation and we opted to stay in country and head out to Sag Harbor (the quaint part of the hamptons) for the week. Elsie and Nicholas continue to be great playmates …

We started our vacation with a quick trip to down town sag harbor for lunch and groceries

off to lunch

And then headed back to the house – time for throwing rocks off of the doc (which is an endless game – although it takes longer to collect the rocks and about 1.5 seconds to quickly throw them all in the water at once). Note to self: invent an automatic rock collector.

Dock time dock

Gathering Rocks

more rocks

We had a few essentials waiting for us when we arrived to the house – thank you amazon prime – including this pool for the kids. We didn’t have a compressor so we relied on Scott’s Hot air. Mark was in the garage looking for some pump … and arrived just in time for the pool to be assembled and Scott to be passed out on the floor.

Blowing up pool

It was a hit…

paying in the pool

pool time


Pretty soon Elsie’s clothes came off…



Jul enjoying some wine …


More rock throwing … check out Elsie’s Mop … Mark insists that we keep growing with no cutting

mop head

On the hunt for rocks and shells to throw off the dock.


Elsie and Nicholas having their after dinner ice cream … Niko has chocolate, Elsie has Ba-Nilla (V’s come later apparently)

Ice cream

Ice cream


After the kids were in bed we had our dinner – of course having a florist on the trip always comes in handy. Our table was instantly transformed with some honeysuckle and hydrangea’s.




We are having a great time … but the east coast is extremely HOT and HUMID – good for the skin I guess. 🙂

More to come…