more England to come … but first Halloween. For the past 2 years I have been making Elsie’s costumes – her first year she was a black widow, and last year she was a chick.
this year she wanted to be a pig (sticking with the animal theme) and as I started to think about costumes – heather pointed me to a premade cutie. Mark pretty much pulled the trigger on ordering so he didn’t have to help with the costume sewing …
We visited Andersen Farms for the Annual Ghouls Gathering
We took a hay ride and stopped to feed some bulls
Elsie was pumped for Trick or Treating – she started at Googleween for a bit of practice and quickly realized how easy it was to snag candy – she was off!
This year we did our trick or treating with Saffie and Jaeger.
Elsie with Min (nanny)
We hid the candy when she got home – although Mark first went through to collect all of his favs.