Much of my anxiety leading up to the arrival of baby silas was how Elsie would react to a new baby. When I initially told Elsie I had a baby growing in my belly – she declared that she also had a baby growing in her belly (I plugged my ears).  Grammie bought her a anatomically correct baby boy doll (she named him Carlope) and she was quite cute with him. She would also throw him in the air and make him do flips, most of the time dropping him.  She was intent on helping him learn to walk and talk – sadly she didn’t realize how long she would have to wait before that will actually be a reality. Now that Silas is here – Elsie has been great. She was ready for the job of being a big sister.  She recently told her swim instructor that she should probably be swimming in the deep end because only babies swim in the shallow end, and she was a big sister now.

Here are a few shots of the big sister in her element …

Big Sister

Cuddling baby silas – making sure to support his floppy noggin.


Getting ready to read stories in her big girl bed

reading stories

Getting loves from silas after a wasp bite

hangin with elsie

And snuggling the swaddle monkey


Well done Big Sister!