Silas is officially 6 months old – which meant time for another doctor visit.
He continues to GROW sticking it out in 60th percentile for both height and weight – very different stats from his sister. 🙂
Height: 26 1/2″ (60th %)
Weight: 17lbs 11.5 oz (60th %)
Head: 17 1/2″ (75th)
Silas is already chowing down on solids, sitting unassisted, grabbing items and putting them into his gob and rolling around – Milestones complete!
Being weighed …
You know how big I am? I am THIS big! Captain chubby pants!
Silas is completely enamored with his sister – apparently everything she does is hilarious!
Our pediatrician does a great job of make shift toys – Â immediately put into his mouth.
Silas is a big hit at the office, but the biggest hit is Elsie – Dr. Kamon and Nurse Karen always love a visit from little miss chatty. Today before we even made it into the room Elsie had negotiated Silas’ shot sucker since he was clearly too little for a treat.