Silas went to his 2 month appointment last week and got away with just two shots. Elsie was subjected to 4 separate ones on her 2 month appointment. Here he is looking angelic before the shots. Vital stats were: 11lbs… Continue Reading →
Mandy was due for a scheduled C-Section at 9am on Friday the 16th, but SIlas decided he was going to call the shots. She went into labor at about 2am and Silas arrived at 6am. 7lbs 4oz, 20″ long and… Continue Reading →
If you think that painting a wall mural is a quick weekend project, you would be wrong. We spend over 18 total hours painting this retro picture of the Boulder flatirons over a couple of weeks. When our new baby… Continue Reading →
We have embarked on the final frontier of our home improvement journey by finishing the basement. We kicked off the project by having Kevin and James (Kevin’s architect) come down for the weekend from Billings to walk the space and… Continue Reading →
Elsie doing her best Happy Birthday song…
If your birthday is coming up, Elsie is ready to sing for you! She has recently been mentioning her upcoming birthday (a mere 8 months away) and how much she likes birthdays in general. Whenever we see a candle in… Continue Reading →
When we were up in Montana for July 4th, Elsie found a tiny porcelain cat that she named “Baby Mittens” after the character in the movie Bolt. She was forever searching for “Mommy Mittens” and a whole Mittens family. Baby… Continue Reading →
Greg D visited us in Boulder a few weeks ago and came bearing gifts. Elsie was very excited about the t-shirt and looks forward to visiting with her complete entourage!
I recently got a Mac mini, so I have felt empowered to start doing something with all the raw video footage we have shot of Elsie over the last years. I am going to try to do this a bit… Continue Reading →
Elsie in the Snow – she’s all bundled up and ready for action! Elsie with her new Elmo slippers – nothing beats wearing your favorite character on your feet – though maybe she needs some “Remy” (from Ratatouille) slippers!
I’m occasionally an early adopter – and with some products (Sony minidisc) I end up in a technology dead-end. But with the AppleTV I couldn’t be happier. It’s a great way to play music for my living room and as… Continue Reading →
Mindy and Elsie went to the Denver aquarium yesterday to see the fish and the sharks and the rays. Here’s a darling picture of her looking ready for the beach.
I’m sure most parents love to hear how much their baby looks like them, and I find myself always checking my wallet when they make such an obviously flattering statement. After all, they are affirming your parenthood over a wonderful… Continue Reading →
For most of our subscribers, you may not have noticed, but we finally moved onto dreamhost at the recommendation of our friend Scott Johnson. This may have broken your feeds in google reader or the like, so you’ll want to… Continue Reading →
Elsie today wore a lovely brown and pink outfit. The skirt has built in leggings with lace trim – really rather nice and comfy.
Elsie has a little shaker she likes to get her groove on with. Here she is working her striped pants and orange bow! It even sings in Espanol – “Azul… Naranja… Verde”
Mandy is in California this week for work, so she is missing her hourly Elsie fix. Elsie got up from her nap this morning and walked into the office to show me what a beautiful outfit she had chosen, complete… Continue Reading →
The Ides of March is Grandpa Michael’s birthday, so Elsie wanted to send a happy birthday hi! She’s too young to write a card, but perhaps a very cute couple of outfits will suffice for this year! She can’t wait… Continue Reading →
Well its no secret that I don’t like to cook. Many (Mark and Julie) find cooking fun and calming and I just find it stressful. I feel pretty sad that as a creative person I can not deviate from any… Continue Reading →
Elsie has clearly decided that crawling is a waste of time. Instead she has taken to demanding that she be escorted around by holding onto our fingers. So to save our backs and give Elsie her own ride, we bought… Continue Reading →
After a few scorching summers on our South facing back patio, we came to the conclusion that we needed a shade structure. We were lucky enough that Kevin had a contact that he worked with in Montana who supplied reclaimed… Continue Reading →
I am pretty sure the geese were having a convention on the 4th fairway – maybe they didn’t get the word that the caucus was in Iowa. Honk if you love OBAMA!
we went out for new years dinner with Heidi and Jason (who recently moved to Colorado – right down the street!) at the GreenBriar Inn. We had a 6 course menu complete with champagne and some yummy wine! It was… Continue Reading →
Christmas always brings tamales to thunder lake circle as the Baros hold their annual party. This year, they took things up a notch by inviting Santa to the party. Santa had a list of all the neighborhood children (most of… Continue Reading →
Who can resist her chuckles!
Calling all models! We took a few shots of Elsie for our New Year’s cards (to be sent out shortly) and had her try on her new Uggs (thanks Niko). She is even grown up enough to wear a ribbon… Continue Reading →
Only 2 years after we got our landscaping done, I finally installed some landscape lighting. It’s amazing what a difference it makes in the evenings to have a few spots and path lights installed. Part of the delay was that… Continue Reading →
Okay, so it’s only a light dusting that was melted by afternoon, but this weekend we got our first taste of winter.
Remember so many months back how excited we were to get Solar panels installed – oh the joy of a new karma-positive addition to our home? Well, within a couple of weeks, we found that some duffer with an overpriced… Continue Reading →
Today Elsie turned 5 months old and is continuing to develop her Pterodactyl cries. Today I was going to take her to the circus to celebate this momentous day, but I couldn’t find a suitable one nearby, so we celebrated… Continue Reading →
It is with great sadness that we learned of Brooke’s passing on September 7th. Brooke was a lifelong mentor for me, an aunt of sorts, and a truly remarkable woman. She loved to travel the world, and we found ourselves… Continue Reading →
Mandy is taking her first trip away from Elsie this week – that pesky job! So Dad is taking care of the little munchkin for a couple of nights. We did just great last night with Elsie downing a prodigious… Continue Reading →
Mandy and I consider ourselves moderately environmentally conscious and would like to be more so. We recycle all containers and papers (Mandy occasionally throws around the word nazi when I chide her for putting recyclables in the trash). We started… Continue Reading →
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