We had so much fun with Elsie’s first birthday. I love working on little details (it drives mark crazy) but I definitely think the details make the party. We found some fun headbands in the target $1 area and that… Continue Reading →
We did it! Elsie turned one! I decided to cut the posts into sections so I didn’t overload you with too many photos 🙂 We were lucky to have lots of help getting ready for Elsie’s big day. My parents… Continue Reading →
Last Wednesday I was officially done making breast milk. I slowly weaned down and had my last pump at Google. I remember when Elsie was born and I said “If I can make it 3 months then I will be… Continue Reading →
This past weekend we headed out to NYC for the Harad/Stone Wedding (more on this later) – we packed up our little bean and headed off to the airport friday afternoon. We did not buy Elsie a seat for the… Continue Reading →
I am at the office today … when I work from home Andrea has elsie walk into the office to show off her daily outfit (Andrea dresses this little munchkin up right!). Here is what I received in my email… Continue Reading →
My parents came down for Easter and we all headed up to Beaver Creek for a long ski weekend. The Grammie and Grampa were very happy to have both of their bunnies together (Elsie did not care for the rabbit… Continue Reading →
Auntie Chloe gave Elsie a Stanford Onsie for Christmas … its still a bit big, but she loves it! (her stanford spirit did not help them win the basketball game)
Elsie was playing in her room and I found her in her closet undo’ing all of my organization … clearly she has a better system She also now seems to only want to hold her bottle by herself Little Miss… Continue Reading →
This afternoon we did a quick photo shoot with Elsie … I am having some custom stamps made for her 1st birthday invitations … an English Garden Tea Party! Here she is posing in a flower headband …
Elsie is officially walking! Well I guess you would call it wobbling … the funny thing about our bean is that she had decided to do things in her own style. She isn’t able to get to a sitting position… Continue Reading →
With Easter coming so early this year, Elsie decided it was time to channel the Easter Bunny
Tonight we are off to Vegas to celebrate many things … the launch of Google Sites, Julie being cancer free for 2 years and my 30th birthday (actually I am re-turning 30 this year since I was preggers last year… Continue Reading →
Saturday we spent some time in our backyard enjoying the 70 degree weather … This morning we woke up to a blizzard… Hopefully the trees weren’t tricked!
On Friday we decided to head out to the Aquarium for a quick viewing and some dinner. This was our first visit to the aquarium since Elsie was born and we hoped she would enjoy the underwater adventure. We started… Continue Reading →
Today we headed to the Children’s Museum in Denver … Even though Elsie was little under the weather she had lots of fun… We started in the soft play area where there were lots of fun things to do, first… Continue Reading →
Lisa and Dirk are engaged!! Congratulations Dirk – you couldn’t of picked a better fiance! 🙂
Elsie had her last night of swimming lessons … there was no official graduation but if there was she would have graduated with HONORS!! Here is some final night photos:
We have a new (and improved!) nanny*. This past Monday Andrea started as Elsie’s full time care taker – Elsie is already in heaven. Andrea spends the day playing, reading and holding elsie’s fingers as she endlessly walks around the… Continue Reading →
well yesterday… We had a low key day (final swim lessons) but we did open a Valentine from Grammie and Grampa which included some fun books and this very cute pink (of course) hoodie! Sadly dad was under the weather… Continue Reading →
I am sure many of you know about my addiction to Etsy … so when a blog pointed to these cute little hats from PDX Beanies I had to get them for Nicholas and Elsie for our trip to California… Continue Reading →
Movie Star! This cute little dress was a hand-me-down from Saffron to Elsie (saffie’s head can’t fit through the top, but elsie’s pin head can) – its a super cute baby nay outfit.
Elsie started swimming lessons at our local rec center … she is a star-baby! We signed up with Kyla (one of Elsie’s friends and a former birth class couple). These lessons focused on acclimating the little star babies to water… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago (been a bit lazy on posting) we took a trip back to the Bay Area. Mark and I both had work and decided it was time for the Bean to see our old stomping ground. We… Continue Reading →
I am a reader of a blog called babygadget (along with a whole host of other baby, design, party blogs) which highlights the new cool must haves for babies and parents. I constantly find packages at my door and then… Continue Reading →
We headed up to the mountains this past weekend for our first ski trip with the Spruills. We headed up Friday afternoon to avoid the predicted snow … no such luck… Fortunately the roads were just slightly wet and the… Continue Reading →
We got elsie some baubles for New Years … She preferred to chew them instead of wear them
we have a wirey head massager thingy called the tingler – elsie loves it. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_wzaymwESg[/youtube]
We took a walk yesterday and stopped to let Elsie have some snow time in her Pink Patagonia snow suit …
Here are some shots of elsie enjoying her christmas loot … Chewing (favored activity) on her christmas bear from the Jost’s Playing with her Elmo Table from Riley, Heather, Finley and Robb! New duds from Grammie Elsie wondering why Cricket… Continue Reading →
Elsie’s first Christmas was a blast – we were lucky enough to have both families here to celebrate. Michael and Alison in from England, Chloe in from San Fran, and my parents down from Montana. On Christmas morning we were… Continue Reading →
too cute : http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1841218603
My parents had their annual Christmas party this weekend which was a good kickstart for the holidays. Elsie was overwhelmed by all of the new attention – bit of her dad in her, but we had a great time. This… Continue Reading →
We were up in Montana with my folks this weekend and attended the annual Santa brunch at the Yellowstone Country Club. Elsie was all dressed up ready for her big meeting with Ho Ho! (Finley showed us how to put… Continue Reading →
We had quite a thanksgiving this year in Colorado – we were lucky to have my aunt sandy, uncle rod, grandma ruby, Kev, tyler, dylan, lauren and of course my parents. We had a wonderful dinner! We usually spend turkey… Continue Reading →
this weekend we all went to Lucille’s for some yummy breakfast – we brought along elsie’s travel booster chair so she could be included. I snapped these photos because it tickled me to see what a big girl she has… Continue Reading →
We finally got our new B.O.B. jogging stroller – uh does that mean we have to start jogging? Elsie can’t wait!
Elsie had her 6 month check up last week. She is changing so much! We had more shots this time, Yuck!, but it gave us a cute little look into our bean’s personality –Â last time we had shots and… Continue Reading →
We did a final dress up for Halloween and got ready for our trick or treaters … Elsie didn’t know what to make of mama in a black wig She is wondering if Mama black widows eat their young …… Continue Reading →
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