Life in Colorado

Category Elsie

Being in Quarantine!

Hello all, this is Elsie and I am writing this post just to inform everyone on what has happened these past few weeks. A couple of weeks ago on March 11th I got a new puppy for my birthday! My… Continue Reading →

Skiing with Elsie

We headed up to the mountains this weekend with the Spruills. On Saturday we skied Vail and put Elsie in ski school – this is her 5th time in ski school and they still have her on the magic carpet…. Continue Reading →

Bottle holder

Silas is still drinking milk from his momma – but he much prefers feeding it to himself ๐Ÿ™‚


We took a quick visit to the aquarium last weekend and Elsie got to meet some mermaids … Elsie was giving them all her mermaid wisdom … she had just fed the sting rays and was very impressed with herself…. Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday Papa Kevin

Elsie doing her best Happy Birthday song…

Birthday Songs

If your birthday is coming up, Elsie is ready to sing for you! She has recently been mentioning her upcoming birthday (a mere 8 months away) and how much she likes birthdays in general. Whenever we see a candle in… Continue Reading →

Spilled Milk

When we were up in Montana for July 4th, Elsie found a tiny porcelain cat that she named “Baby Mittens” after the character in the movie Bolt. She was forever searching for “Mommy Mittens” and a whole Mittens family. Baby… Continue Reading →

Thank you Greg D

Greg D visited us in Boulder a few weeks ago and came bearing gifts. Elsie was very excited about the t-shirt and looks forward to visiting with her complete entourage!

The princess and the bear

I recently got a Mac mini, so I have felt empowered to start doing something with all the raw video footage we have shot of Elsie over the last years. I am going to try to do this a bit… Continue Reading →

Papa Michael

Michael was in town for a visit a couple weeks ago and he was a big hit! Elsie instantly loved his glasses and enjoyed constantly playing with the case. Elsie wanted to show her papa all her cool stuff so… Continue Reading →

18 months

Elsie went in for her 18 month check up and all is well. She is still in the 25th percentile for height and the 5-10 percentile for weight – she’s just a little one! We had another round of shots… Continue Reading →


Grandparents don’t really follow any rules … the day after Saffie’s birthday grampa allowed elsie to eat 4 cupcakes. Each time she would go to josh and amy’s house, she would some how hunt down the cupcakes and point to… Continue Reading →


for Saffie’s first birthday, Grammie and Grampa got her a tunnel … Elsie and Kai gave it a test run at Saffie’s party – here a few of the tunnel shots. I hope it wasn’t elsie that gave kai that… Continue Reading →


Last Saturday we started Gymnastics with Elsie. We have tried Gymboree and during the week Elsie goes to Kangaroo Kingdome which has lots of activities but we wanted to make sure we were giving Elsie the proper instruction on how… Continue Reading →

The Denver Zoo

Grammie and Papa got us a zoo membership this year – on Monday Mindy and Elsie headed down to Denver to check out the animals. The headed out early in the morning so they could catch the animals in their… Continue Reading →

First Hair Cut

Elsie’s hair was starting to look like a full blown mullett and I decided it was time for a hair cut. We headed over to Lollylocks where Elsie chose a dinosaur to ride for the big event. I expected more… Continue Reading →

The Aquarium

Mindy has been taking Elsie on all sorts of adventures. They began last week with a trip to the Aquarium in Denver. While its not like the Monterey Bay Aquarium – its really cool (we have a captains pass so… Continue Reading →

Butterflies and waterfalls

A couple of weeks ago when Grammie was visiting we decided to have a whole weekend of fun activities – first we headed to the Butterfly pavilion. In the building you start by looking at some bugs, and some aquariums… Continue Reading →

Elsie in Montana!

This is a much delayed post: pretend its really dated August 4th. After Lisa and Dirk’s wedding in Montana, Mark and I flew home without Elsie. She opted to stay in Montana with Grammie and Papa for a week of… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica: The Wrap Up

Ok I am finally doing my last post on Costa Rica. Four years ago we headed to Zihuatanejo (the surface of the sun) for our first Team Vacation where we agreed to meet somewhere each year – in 2006 we… Continue Reading →

Surfin’ at the aquarium

Mindy and Elsie went to the Denver aquarium yesterday to see the fish and the sharks and the rays. Here’s a darling picture of her looking ready for the beach.

First Day of School

Yesterday was Elsie’s first day at School (a bilingual day care in Boulder). Here are a few shots of her just before she left … with her suitcase packed with all the necessities (cuddles, wolfgang the dog, binky and an… Continue Reading →


We had a yellow day last week and we took a few photos …

Giant Spraying Beach Ball

It has been HOT, HOT, HOT so we headed out to find Elsie a fun water toy. We ended up with a Gigantic Beach Ball that hooks to a hose and sprays water. After much blowing, I convinced mark to… Continue Reading →

The Johnstons! (part three)

Ok the final batch of photos… On Sunday we did more of the same, hanging out, having drinks and enjoying the backyard. Niko quickly found the three little pigs house (aka doghouse) which was a huge hit. Perfect size for… Continue Reading →

Tulip Fairy!

A few weeks ago (slacker poster here!) there was a Tulip Fairy Parade in Boulder. Mark wasn’t feeling well so we ended up not making the parade … but I did make Elsie some wings and parade her around our… Continue Reading →

Sand and Water Table

For Elsie’s birthday, grammie and grandpa got her a Sand and Water Table – a perfect height for a little girl, and a kneeling dad… While dad likes to build sand castles, elsie much prefers to SPLASH! One waterproof smock… Continue Reading →


This weekend we were invited to an afternoon gathering – we arrived without the most important item for a translucent baby girl with red hair – a sun hat! Fortunately Bill and Linda offered up some hats from their boys… Continue Reading →

Preparing for the Birthday

We did it! Elsie turned one! I decided to cut the posts into sections so I didn’t overload you with too many photos ๐Ÿ™‚ We were lucky to have lots of help getting ready for Elsie’s big day. My parents… Continue Reading →

Little lace pants

Elsie today wore a lovely brown and pink outfit. The skirt has built in leggings with lace trim – really rather nice and comfy.

The mysterious case of the missing dishrag


Playing with my Shaker

Elsie has a little shaker she likes to get her groove on with. Here she is working her striped pants and orange bow! It even sings in Espanol – “Azul… Naranja… Verde”

Good morning Mom

Mandy is in California this week for work, so she is missing her hourly Elsie fix. Elsie got up from her nap this morning and walked into the office to show me what a beautiful outfit she had chosen, complete… Continue Reading →

Easter Weekend in the Mountains

My parents came down for Easter and we all headed up to Beaver Creek for a long ski weekend. The Grammie and Grampa were very happy to have both of their bunnies together (Elsie did not care for the rabbit… Continue Reading →

Dreaming of the Farmโ€ฆ

Auntie Chloe gave Elsie a Stanford Onsie for Christmas … its still a bit big, but she loves it! (her stanford spirit did not help them win the basketball game)

Little Miss Helper

Elsie was playing in her room and I found her in her closet undo’ing all of my organization … clearly she has a better system She also now seems to only want to hold her bottle by herself Little Miss… Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday Grandpa Michael!

The Ides of March is Grandpa Michael’s birthday, so Elsie wanted to send a happy birthday hi! She’s too young to write a card, but perhaps a very cute couple of outfits will suffice for this year! She can’t wait… Continue Reading →

Learning to Cook

Well its no secret that I don’t like to cook. Many (Mark and Julie) find cooking fun and calming and I just find it stressful. I feel pretty sad that as a creative person I can not deviate from any… Continue Reading →

Hot to trot

Elsie has clearly decided that crawling is a waste of time. Instead she has taken to demanding that she be escorted around by holding onto our fingers. So to save our backs and give Elsie her own ride, we bought… Continue Reading →


I am sure many of you know about my addiction to Etsy … so when a blog pointed to these cute little hats from PDX Beanies I had to get them for Nicholas and Elsie for our trip to California… Continue Reading →

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