Movie Star! This cute little dress was a hand-me-down from Saffron to Elsie (saffie’s head can’t fit through the top, but elsie’s pin head can) – its a super cute baby nay outfit.
A few weeks ago (been a bit lazy on posting) we took a trip back to the Bay Area. Mark and I both had work and decided it was time for the Bean to see our old stomping ground. We… Continue Reading →
we have a wirey head massager thingy called the tingler – elsie loves it. [youtube][/youtube]
Elsie’s first Christmas was a blast – we were lucky enough to have both families here to celebrate. Michael and Alison in from England, Chloe in from San Fran, and my parents down from Montana. On Christmas morning we were… Continue Reading →
too cute :
Christmas always brings tamales to thunder lake circle as the Baros hold their annual party. This year, they took things up a notch by inviting Santa to the party. Santa had a list of all the neighborhood children (most of… Continue Reading →
Who can resist her chuckles!
Calling all models! We took a few shots of Elsie for our New Year’s cards (to be sent out shortly) and had her try on her new Uggs (thanks Niko). She is even grown up enough to wear a ribbon… Continue Reading →
This weekend I made elsie’s halloween costume – a baby black widow and we gave it a quick test run. Elsie spends most of the time trying to grab the legs off of the body suit and put them in… Continue Reading →
This weekend we had Emma and Sophie Spruill’s joint birthday party. Elsie decided that she wanted to wear her Paris Party dress from Mart and Lew – we took a few photos before we headed out. The best part of… Continue Reading →
I have noticed that my cingular service S-U-C-K-S! In Kauai there were times when scott, jul and mark had all bars and I had no service. We suspected that my crappy cell service forcefield was the issue, but we stopped… Continue Reading →
today we headed to the mall for some shoppin with grammie and grampa – Elsie didn’t love looking at clothes and was on the edge of a melt down so grammie kept moving along. We decided to stop into the… Continue Reading →
Today Elsie turned 5 months old and is continuing to develop her Pterodactyl cries. Today I was going to take her to the circus to celebate this momentous day, but I couldn’t find a suitable one nearby, so we celebrated… Continue Reading →
Mandy is taking her first trip away from Elsie this week – that pesky job! So Dad is taking care of the little munchkin for a couple of nights. We did just great last night with Elsie downing a prodigious… Continue Reading →
Well the week is ending (so sad) so we spent our last day lounging around on the beach, swimming, more surfing for the boys and then a delicious lobster dinner flown in from Maine. Yum Here is a photo run… Continue Reading →
On Wednesday morning the boys headed out for a marathon surf morning … Jul and I held down the fort with the babies. We played, had some naps, and were preparing to take the kids to the beach. The sun… Continue Reading →
A coworker of mark’s suggested we visit the fern grotto in Kauai so tuesday was our day to take the tour. The boys spent the morning surfing at a new beach that was much more difficult than the first day… Continue Reading →
Our second day started with a bit of a sleep in (6:15 am). We spent the morning hanging around the house, scott made eggs, we ate some more fruit and niko tried out a few of elsie’s things (binki and… Continue Reading →
We spent yesterday afternoon down at the beach – I was hoping the bean would take a nap (she didn’t) – turns out we have the entire beach to ourselves (another reason julie rocks!) Thats us with the pop up… Continue Reading →
Well we made it to Kauai in one piece … Elsie had a day of firsts … first trip to hawaii, and first time in business class – mommy had to wait till she was 26 before she got to… Continue Reading →
We are off for our annual vacation with the Johnstons! This time we are headed to the beaches of Kauai, Hawaii! Julie did all of our planning (because she rocks) – and found us a beautiful house on the East… Continue Reading →
Robin and Duncan sent elsie a kiwi wearing an All Blacks outfit. As you can see the bird has a large beak … That is perfect for … CHEWING!! 🙂 Don’t worry Robin and Duncan, she just got a little… Continue Reading →
Elsie had her four month old check up today (two weeks late). She was right on target for growth: Weight: 12lbs 13.5 oz (25th%) Height: 24″ (25th%) Head Circ.: 16 3/8″ (60th%) We had 4 vaccinations which seemed to be… Continue Reading →
Elsie is finally taking a bottle (of breastmilk) – this is a huge step (although right now everything goes into the mouth). Here is grammie giving elsie a meal – with Elsie’s help of course.
When grammie was here she had lots of tummy time with elsie – she doesn’t like tummy time and so she quickly learned to roll to her back. I will post a video but here are some quick photos of… Continue Reading →
Some photos of Elsie in her jumperoo – she is pretty excited to have her feet touch my improvised booster on the floor and of course loves to chew on the bee.
turns out the play mat that I have been having elsie play with is finally interesting to her – she played so much the other day that she fell asleep. She has her little sidekick with her in case the… Continue Reading →
Elsie has mastered the “grab and shove in my mouth” technique. Of course fingers are always yummy: Putting stuff in your mouth is soooo funny!
Donna was in town for some HP leadership training and was able to come down and meet miss elsie lane!
for the last two weeks Grammie Pammy was playing Grammie Nanny. We spent one week in Montana and one week in Colorado before we had to (sadly) put grammie back on the plane yesterday. My parents are completely set up… Continue Reading →
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