This year Elsie requested a Jellyfish costume and trying to keep with the theme of “fish” I made Silas a Goldfish Costume (thanks to Martha Stewart for the pattern) … He wore the costume for a total of 25 minutes… Continue Reading →
all of our pre-halloween activities led up to one night of trick-or-treating. We only made it 5 houses in an hour and a half – the baby chick had a great time and the feathers were quite warm. Here she… Continue Reading →
My parents came down for Easter and we all headed up to Beaver Creek for a long ski weekend. The Grammie and Grampa were very happy to have both of their bunnies together (Elsie did not care for the rabbit… Continue Reading →
Tonight we are off to Vegas to celebrate many things … the launch of Google Sites, Julie being cancer free for 2 years and my 30th birthday (actually I am re-turning 30 this year since I was preggers last year… Continue Reading →
Elsie’s first Christmas was a blast – we were lucky enough to have both families here to celebrate. Michael and Alison in from England, Chloe in from San Fran, and my parents down from Montana. On Christmas morning we were… Continue Reading →
Last weekend grammie, grampa and auntie chloe came to town for a visit which gave us a chance to do some pre-halloween celebrating. Elsie with Grammie … Orange and Black! Grammie and I reworked Elsie’s costume after some feedback from… Continue Reading →
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