Life in Colorado

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Taking Down The Play House

On April 7, 2020 I took down our playhouse it was crazy! First I got all of the supplies then I unscrewed the screws and karate kicked the walls off but when I was halfway through we found a wasp… Continue Reading →

Being in Quarantine!

Hello all, this is Elsie and I am writing this post just to inform everyone on what has happened these past few weeks. A couple of weeks ago on March 11th I got a new puppy for my birthday! My… Continue Reading →

Birthday Party

I was lucky to share my 33rd birthday with friends and family virtually!


Just a typical brainstorm session with whiskey and wine.

First steps

First steps a video by markandmandy on Flickr. Silas has gained a ton of confidence this last week and is now excited to take more than two steps.

Gymnastics at Kai’s birthday party

Gymnastics at Kai’s birthday party, a photo by markandmandy on Flickr.  

Round ’em up

The kids are ready to go fishing and horseback riding (or back horsing as Elsie prefers to call it).

Round ’em up

The kids are ready to go fishing and horseback riding (or back horsing as Elsie prefers to call it).

Manly toys

We’re up in Montana and Silas has found the best toy ever. The princess castle play set is the most fun he’s had all day and he’ll spend 20 minutes playing with it alone.

Must destroy!

Must destroy! a video by markandmandy on Flickr.  




Lisa’s daughter Sloane makes a visit to Pam and Kevin’s to see her friend Elsie.

Walking to Harper and Madison (Billings,MT) for lunch

Walking to Harper and Madison (Billings,MT) for lunch, a photo by markandmandy on Flickr. It’s a lovely day in June when you feel like walking to the restaurant. Not too hot and a nice breeze.

Elsie the entertainer!

Having a helper in the back seat rocks!

Summer is here

Summer is here, a photo by markandmandy on Flickr. Sun protection (and wine) is very important on sunny days.

6 months

Silas is officially 6 months old – which meant time for another doctor visit. He continues to GROW sticking it out in 60th percentile for both height and weight – very different stats from his sister. 🙂 Stats Height: 26… Continue Reading →

Meeting Santa!

Each year our neighbors host a Tamale party – the place is packed with hungry folks ready to eat Bernies homeade tamales (this year mark ate 4 on his own). This party is also a big hit with the kids… Continue Reading →

Mr. Stands-a-lot!

Silas loves loves loves to stand all the time. He can’t manage it on his own but while papa was here he staged a few photos. Cute Jammies from Auntie Patsy and Uncle Antony!


This year we stayed close to home and had a very mellow turkey weekend – Food was great, and the prep was easy this year.Here a few shots from the day My mom (mrs.crafty) decided to go a bit crazy… Continue Reading →

Meet Arielle

Well my 5 months of maternity leave are coming to an end – I start back to work next Monday. I am both ready and nervous, but my know-it-all husband claims this was exactly how it was with Elsie, so… Continue Reading →

Tummy Time

Silas despises tummy time – he now just rolls on over to his back, but I did get a few shots of him up on his strong arms … He is Mr. Giggle-pants after the roll

4 month visit for Silas

This is clearly almost a month behind, but hey better late than never. Silas had his 4 month check up and all is well. We snapped some photos and then looked back at Elsie’s 4 month apt and were amazed… Continue Reading →


Every Sunday we eat breakfast at our favorite Walnut Cafe in Boulder … This particular morning Elsie was feeling a little Rock-star-ish!). She’s 3 going on 20 – SCARY!

Picture day

2 months

Silas went to his 2 month appointment last week and got away with just two shots. Elsie was subjected to 4 separate ones on her 2 month appointment. Here he is looking angelic before the shots. Vital stats were: 11lbs… Continue Reading →

The joys of having a sister …

get used to the dress up Silas!

Uncle Greg

While in the States, Uncle Greg stopped by Boulder for a visit – he was a hit with the girls! While in the kitchen I heard a high pitched “WHY HELLOOOOO, I would love some cake!” We went into the… Continue Reading →

Lost cause

We took some photos of Grammie and Papa with the Boys … in most of the photos, Beck was searching for some milk from grammie. 🙂



Silas isn’t a fan of being trapped in his car seat – here he is plotting an escape … If only he could control his hands!!

Bath Baby

Yup, he’s really my son – he loves baths!


He can’t actually control his hands yet but he does a pretty good job of playing “Dino Take Down” Beware TRex – you are next!

Big Sister

Much of my anxiety leading up to the arrival of baby silas was how Elsie would react to a new baby. When I initially told Elsie I had a baby growing in my belly – she declared that she also… Continue Reading →

Little helper!

The best thing for recovering from a c-section is chocolate chip cookies – Elsie was happy to help!


Silas, like elsie, struggled with his Billirubin levels – this time we were able to do Phototherapy at home through a little light paddle. Besides the daily foot poke to test the levels Silas didn’t seem to mind. We even… Continue Reading →

Matchy matchy

This time I was over-prepared for the hospital including buying a matchy matchy outfit for me and Silas to wear … hat, jammies and mommy outfit – ridiculous I know – but Baby Silas looks great in Blue!

Silas Coster Arrives

Mandy was due for a scheduled C-Section at 9am on Friday the 16th, but SIlas decided he was going to call the shots. She went into labor at about 2am and Silas arrived at 6am. 7lbs 4oz, 20″ long and… Continue Reading →

Painting a mural

If you think that painting a wall mural is a quick weekend project, you would be wrong. We spend over 18 total hours painting this retro picture of the Boulder flatirons over a couple of weeks. When our new baby… Continue Reading →

Toddler Wisdom

Elsie is a chatterbox and some of her best wisdom comes on our drive to school in the morning - this weeks gems: 1. Some birds live in the forest, but some birds don't 2. Giraffe's eat leaves, but wolves eat rabbits ... and they howl like this "AwwwWoooo" Both very true  :)

Elsie is a chatterbox and some of her best wisdom comes on our drive to school in the morning – this weeks gems: 1. Some birds live in the forest, but some birds don’t 2. Giraffe’s eat leaves, but wolves… Continue Reading →

Akumal! (part 1)

This year we headed south to Mexico for our annual Johnston/Sladden family vacation. We rented a house in Akumal (between Playa del Carmen and Tulum). We opted for a Memorial Day vacation instead of the usual Labor day retreat because… Continue Reading →

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