Life in Colorado

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We finally got our new B.O.B. jogging stroller – uh does that mean we have to start jogging? Elsie can’t wait!

6 months

Elsie had her 6 month check up last week. She is changing so much! We had more shots this time, Yuck!, but it gave us a cute little look into our bean’s personality –  last time we had shots and… Continue Reading →


We did a final dress up for Halloween and got ready for our trick or treaters … Elsie didn’t know what to make of mama in a black wig She is wondering if Mama black widows eat their young …… Continue Reading →

Trick or Treat?

apparently avocados are a TRICK!

Pony Express

Yesterday we received a returned package in the mail … Only took 5 1/2 months to make the round trip from New York back to Colorado … I think we should get our $3 back.

Landscape lighting

Only 2 years after we got our landscaping done, I finally installed some landscape lighting. It’s amazing what a difference it makes in the evenings to have a few spots and path lights installed. Part of the delay was that… Continue Reading →

Finley Lauren Bergeson!

This morning Heather, Robb and Riley welcomed the newest member of the Bergeson family – Miss Finley Lauren. She weighed in at 7lbs 13 ounces and 19 inches long!! Here are some pics of the new family (of course Heather… Continue Reading →

Rice Cereal

Elsie is on to solid food (well ok semi-solid and bland rice cereal). She is happy and willing to put anything in her mouth and a spoon of cereal is no different – next milestone is keeping the cereal in… Continue Reading →

First Snow in Boulder

Okay, so it’s only a light dusting that was melted by afternoon, but this weekend we got our first taste of winter.

Halloween photo shoot

well since it was raining at the patch we took some more photos at home with our faux pumpkins … cricket had to get in on the halloween action – it IS black cat month you know!! Happy Halloween from… Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Patch

We visited the pumpkin patch this weekend with the spruill’s. We put on Grammie’s halloween outfit,  our new fleece jacket (it was a cold and rainy weekend) and of course our bat hat … Yancey grabbed the cart and we… Continue Reading →

In her chariot…

a few shots of elsie in her chariot – getting ready for a walk to the park with bernie!

A girl and her puppy

Elsie is now infatuated with Lola, she giggles as she runs by and loves to have licks (even on her face – which is like hitting gold for Lola).  She loves her puppy! (this little outfit from the herman’s is… Continue Reading →

spider dog

we got lola a halloween costume – she is going to be a spider dog. The best part about the costume is that she turns into a statue spider dog when you put the costume on her back, We may… Continue Reading →

Half Marathon

On Sunday we woke up early and headed out to the boulder reservoir to cheer jessica on as she ran her first half marathon in the Boulder Backroads Race. I made a sign Mark and Elsie watched for Jess here’s… Continue Reading →

a touch of october

a cute little bat hat to start your october off!

Sunday football

We got the girls some fun sunday cheer outfits for their favorite football team… THE BRONCOS! The girls sat in the prime seats to watch the big game There were a few good moments… Amy helped Saffron cheer since she… Continue Reading →

Pink polka dots

Shelley gave us this cute outfit a few months ago and Elsie is finally fitting into it (well the pants are still a bit big) – as you can see she thinks she looks pretty cute!

Baby pinwheel!

we met up with some of our birthing class families for a picnic in the park – Elsie is the oldest and Sydney (to the left is the youngest) From elsie (around clockwise), sydney, kyla, hazel, ryan.

More jumping

We got the jumperoo because we read about all of the fun of the saucer and the jumperoo combined into one. The contraption takes up a large part of our living room and is really cramping our clean lines. We… Continue Reading →


We had some friends from our Birthing class, Tara and Dan, over last friday for dinner and a chance for Kyla and Elsie to meet. We had a wonderful night chatting about life and of course the babies! Dan has… Continue Reading →

the life of a baby!

while mark and I slave away at our jobs, little miss elsie bean is off having a grand time with Bernie! Bernie brought the camera a few days to document the very hard life of a baby: Swing Time Laying… Continue Reading →

Miniature Stallion

A few weeks ago lola started limping and then had trouble even getting out of bed one morning. She had a cut on her back and so in to the vet we went … turns out she was so interested… Continue Reading →

Grammie Nanny

for the last two weeks Grammie Pammy was playing Grammie Nanny. We spent one week in Montana and one week in Colorado before we had to (sadly) put grammie back on the plane yesterday. My parents are completely set up… Continue Reading →

Chico Hot Springs!

On Saturday we took a trip up to Chico Hot Springs just outside of livingston in paradise valley. Chico has a lodge, a bar (of course), a fantastic restaurant and the mineral pools. There is a hot smaller pool and… Continue Reading →

Montana Wedding

Last thursday we flew up to Montana for John and Karen’s wedding. here is uncle josh getting the bean ready for the big day… here she is dressed in her fabulous sun dress from Julie and Scott: It was a… Continue Reading →

Meet Bernie!

We have a new member of the family … Last monday was my first day back to work 🙁 but it was also our first day with Bernie, Elsie’s nanny. Elsie loves Bernie’s songs and silly voices and overall the… Continue Reading →

So happy with the iphone…

Smiles, originally uploaded by markandmandy. Dad snapped this shot with my new iPhone – Elsie clearly approves!

Its not pink…

Smiley sitter, originally uploaded by markandmandy. Grammie bought Elsie this outfit and it doesn’t have any pink on it (well it has some purplish flower centers).

Kittens are babies too!

Cricket has been extremely smitten with Elsie – she wants to sit on Elsie (hopefully not to steal her breath), lay with her or she even allows elsie to grab her hair. We have to keep a close eye on… Continue Reading →

Tie Dye!

Martha did a segment on tie dying with kids so I thought Elsie and I would take a stab at it on my last week of maternity leave (sad, sad, sad) … We purchased some white onesies and some rit… Continue Reading →

uh oh…

I hate going to the store … so I put it off as long as possible. With only one diaper left (after raiding my diaper bag stash) I desperately need to get to the store. I came out to my… Continue Reading →

Visiting with the Johnston/Olbrys Crew

On Friday the Johnston/Olbrys crew arrived after three days of road tripping. They arrived in great spirits ready to meet miss Elsie Lane Elsie is wearing her Trumpettes – from Chris and Saira – they are too cute! We had… Continue Reading →


Mark has been taking Lola to agility class and while Grammie was here we took her up to show off Lola’s progress. Uncle Josh came along as well. Mark leads lola through the different obsticles … “tire” “Jump” “Tunnel” “Chute”… Continue Reading →

Rah Rah America!!

This year we celebrated a first fourth of july for both Elsie and Mark – we started out the day with a bang (and some spit up on our new outfit from Grammie). Our neighbors put on a big to… Continue Reading →

At the lake …

On Saturday we picked up Grammie and headed to the lake by Jessica and Yancey’s (for you Montana folks, this lake is like lake elmo only clean). We brought a few beverages and enjoyed hanging out on the beach. Grammie… Continue Reading →

Play mat …

Elsie is finally interested in her play gym … I think she wonders if these guys got dressed in the dark with their different colored boots (at least I think that’s what she is saying) Fortunately she has a guard… Continue Reading →

Tiny Dancer

Tiny Dancer, originally uploaded by markandmandy. We put on some ballerina shoes today and had a little dance off – Elsie won! She loves the Beatles just like her grammie (the early stuff, not the druggie phase).

Birthday Wishes

Today is heather’s birthday so we wanted to send some birthday cheer! First get all dressed up in your birthday pinks … Have dad put a sign on you since you haven’t mastered the art of Sign Spinning … and… Continue Reading →

Grass is ticklish

We have been having some hot, hot, hot weather lately – it hit 100 degrees yesterday. We thought a walk through some cool grass might be fun for the bean. First she enjoyed the hot concrete … Curled up little… Continue Reading →

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