Life in Colorado

Category Vacation

England part 2: Steeple Aston

Mark’s godparents Jan and David live in Steeple Aston (Oxfordshire) in historical Cedar Lodge (once home to Novelist Iris Murdoch). We decided to head to Steeple Aston for a few days of relaxation before the wedding storm. Jan and David… Continue Reading →

UK Visit

In October (yes, I realize its december … where has the time gone?) we all headed to the UK to celebrate Michael and Alison’s wedding. The crew included my parents,  and Josh, Amy, and Saffie. To get ready for the… Continue Reading →

Sag Harbor (wrap up)

South Hampton Beach take 2 … this day the beach was fabulous, but the waves were much too strong for a swim (hurricane approaching) so we mostly ran from the waves Mark and Scott decided to make the ultimate sandcastle… Continue Reading →

Sag Harbor (part 2)

this post is very very late, but better late than never! Here is our annual team shot … notice scott’s hand (he is holding the remote) 🙂 We bribed Elsie and Nicholas with chocolate if they would sit through the… Continue Reading →

Sag Harbor: Beach Day

We headed to the local beach on Tuesday – which also had a playground. We had the beach all to ourselves. The kids were excited to play in the water which is calm and warm … Mark set up some… Continue Reading →


In march we headed to Florida for some fun and sun with the Johnstons in Bonita Springs. We had so much fun and look forward to a longer stay next year … (this post is FILLED with photos) 🙂 Finley… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica: The Wrap Up

Ok I am finally doing my last post on Costa Rica. Four years ago we headed to Zihuatanejo (the surface of the sun) for our first Team Vacation where we agreed to meet somewhere each year – in 2006 we… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica – Playing in the sun!

We have been having great weather in Costa Rica … we expected some showers and some weather from the hurricane’s but we seemed to have come in at the right time. Our house is on a fantastic (secluded) beach so the first morning we woke up and… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica: Getting to Tango Mar

        We had a great night in San Jose and enjoyed the breakfast at the Hampton Inn before heading to the airport. We arrived at 12:00 for a 1:30 flight – they told us we couldn’t check… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica!

Well we are off for our annual tropical anniversary vacation with the Johnstons! This year we headed to Costa Rica for a week in Tambor. We often use Luxury Link to search our locations we want to travel to and… Continue Reading →

Easter Weekend in the Mountains

My parents came down for Easter and we all headed up to Beaver Creek for a long ski weekend. The Grammie and Grampa were very happy to have both of their bunnies together (Elsie did not care for the rabbit… Continue Reading →


Tonight we are off to Vegas to celebrate many things … the launch of Google Sites, Julie being cancer free for 2 years and my 30th birthday (actually I am re-turning 30 this year since I was preggers last year… Continue Reading →

Last day in Kauai

Well the week is ending (so sad) so we spent our last day lounging around on the beach, swimming, more surfing for the boys and then a delicious lobster dinner flown in from Maine. Yum Here is a photo run… Continue Reading →

A lazy day and more dinner

On Wednesday morning the boys headed out for a marathon surf morning … Jul and I held down the fort with the babies. We played, had some naps, and were preparing to take the kids to the beach. The sun… Continue Reading →

Fern Grotto

A coworker of mark’s suggested we visit the fern grotto in Kauai so tuesday was our day to take the tour. The boys spent the morning surfing at a new beach that was much more difficult than the first day… Continue Reading →

Surfing and dinner out

Our second day started with a bit of a sleep in (6:15 am). We spent the morning hanging around the house, scott made eggs, we ate some more fruit and niko tried out a few of elsie’s things (binki and… Continue Reading →

Day at the beach

We spent yesterday afternoon down at the beach – I was hoping the bean would take a nap (she didn’t) – turns out we have the entire beach to ourselves (another reason julie rocks!) Thats us with the pop up… Continue Reading →

Welcome to paradise!

Well we made it to Kauai in one piece … Elsie had a day of firsts … first trip to hawaii, and first time in business class – mommy had to wait till she was 26 before she got to… Continue Reading →

Team Vacation

We are off for our annual vacation with the Johnstons! This time we are headed to the beaches of Kauai, Hawaii! Julie did all of our planning (because she rocks) – and found us a beautiful house on the East… Continue Reading →

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