The best thing for recovering from a c-section is chocolate chip cookies – Elsie was happy to help!
Silas, like elsie, struggled with his Billirubin levels – this time we were able to do Phototherapy at home through a little light paddle. Besides the daily foot poke to test the levels Silas didn’t seem to mind. We even… Continue Reading →
This time I was over-prepared for the hospital including buying a matchy matchy outfit for me and Silas to wear … hat, jammies and mommy outfit – ridiculous I know – but Baby Silas looks great in Blue!
Mandy was due for a scheduled C-Section at 9am on Friday the 16th, but SIlas decided he was going to call the shots. She went into labor at about 2am and Silas arrived at 6am. 7lbs 4oz, 20″ long and… Continue Reading →
If you think that painting a wall mural is a quick weekend project, you would be wrong. We spend over 18 total hours painting this retro picture of the Boulder flatirons over a couple of weeks. When our new baby… Continue Reading →
Elsie is a chatterbox and some of her best wisdom comes on our drive to school in the morning – this weeks gems: 1. Some birds live in the forest, but some birds don’t 2. Giraffe’s eat leaves, but wolves… Continue Reading →
This year we headed south to Mexico for our annual Johnston/Sladden family vacation. We rented a house in Akumal (between Playa del Carmen and Tulum). We opted for a Memorial Day vacation instead of the usual Labor day retreat because… Continue Reading →
We got out the barbie jeep this weekend and finally elsie can both steadily press the pedal and steer making it a much better ride for saffie. Josh was on hand just in case we needed him (also note the… Continue Reading →
We are gearing up for our annual vacation with the Johnston family and each year we bring matching outfits for the kiddo’s. Because Nicholas and Elsie are so into role playing I decided I would applique shirts with super hero… Continue Reading →
Each year at Mountain Shadows the Avid 4 Adventure crew comes in and puts on a mini-camp for the kids which includes rock climbing, kayaking and biking. This is Elsie’s first year at school and our first introduction – after… Continue Reading →
We are big fans of the Strider bike – a two wheel bike with no pedals designed to teach kids balance. We started taking Strider classes at Boulder Indoor Cycling. The Velodrome is amazing – its filled with ramps and… Continue Reading →
Elsie and Saffie are great friends – Elsie likes to play the older cousin role and Saffie seems just fine with it. Something as simple as a walk between houses can be quite fun!
This easter elsie was really into the Easter bunny. While at the mall she desperately wanted to sit on the Bunny’s lap and ask it some very important questions – sadly it turned out to be a Mute, but she… Continue Reading →
We have embarked on the final frontier of our home improvement journey by finishing the basement. We kicked off the project by having Kevin and James (Kevin’s architect) come down for the weekend from Billings to walk the space and… Continue Reading →
This year Grammie and Papa decided to do an Advent calendar for the girls. This was always my favorite thing of the holiday – We would get the advent calendars that had chocolate pieces with the 25th being the big… Continue Reading →
Its looking like we won’t have a white Christmas this year – but a few weeks back we had a big dump of the white stuff and Elsie headed out to make a snow man (with Mark’s help of course)… Continue Reading →
more England to come … but first Halloween. For the past 2 years I have been making Elsie’s costumes – her first year she was a black widow, and last year she was a chick. this year she wanted to… Continue Reading →
Mark’s godparents Jan and David live in Steeple Aston (Oxfordshire) in historical Cedar Lodge (once home to Novelist Iris Murdoch). We decided to head to Steeple Aston for a few days of relaxation before the wedding storm. Jan and David… Continue Reading →
In October (yes, I realize its december … where has the time gone?) we all headed to the UK to celebrate Michael and Alison’s wedding. The crew included my parents, and Josh, Amy, and Saffie. To get ready for the… Continue Reading →
South Hampton Beach take 2 … this day the beach was fabulous, but the waves were much too strong for a swim (hurricane approaching) so we mostly ran from the waves Mark and Scott decided to make the ultimate sandcastle… Continue Reading →
this post is very very late, but better late than never! Here is our annual team shot … notice scott’s hand (he is holding the remote) 🙂 We bribed Elsie and Nicholas with chocolate if they would sit through the… Continue Reading →
Elsie doing her best Happy Birthday song…
We headed to the local beach on Tuesday – which also had a playground. We had the beach all to ourselves. The kids were excited to play in the water which is calm and warm … Mark set up some… Continue Reading →
This is the 5th year for Team vacation and we opted to stay in country and head out to Sag Harbor (the quaint part of the hamptons) for the week. Elsie and Nicholas continue to be great playmates … We… Continue Reading →
If your birthday is coming up, Elsie is ready to sing for you! She has recently been mentioning her upcoming birthday (a mere 8 months away) and how much she likes birthdays in general. Whenever we see a candle in… Continue Reading →
Before I was a parent I swore I would not allow hideous kids gear into my house … but Elsie insisted on this monstrosity that is now on display for all golfers who come by … (and really I became… Continue Reading →
When we were up in Montana for July 4th, Elsie found a tiny porcelain cat that she named “Baby Mittens” after the character in the movie Bolt. She was forever searching for “Mommy Mittens” and a whole Mittens family. Baby… Continue Reading →
Greg D visited us in Boulder a few weeks ago and came bearing gifts. Elsie was very excited about the t-shirt and looks forward to visiting with her complete entourage!
This post is sooo overdue – excuse the tardiness. This year we decided to give elsie a choice of birthday theme … we laid out three visual cards (Bugs – from bugs life, Under the sea – nemo and little… Continue Reading →
I recently got a Mac mini, so I have felt empowered to start doing something with all the raw video footage we have shot of Elsie over the last years. I am going to try to do this a bit… Continue Reading →
I am so behind at blogging … I blame scott for that, but I digress … After our florida trip we headed down to Antigua (which we now realized is pronounced ant-tig-ga) to meet up with the Sladdens. Michael and… Continue Reading →
Tonight Mark and I headed down to Denver to have dinner and see a movie … a treat given to me for my birthday by Scott and Julie. They purchased tickets to see the documentary Objectified at the Mayan Theater… Continue Reading →
Aunti Go-Go has left her job at Current for a new adventure … she is now the Director of Business Development for Global Broadcast & News Media for Twitter! To celebrate she bought Elsie a Twitter Shirt (the notorious Fail… Continue Reading →
In march we headed to Florida for some fun and sun with the Johnstons in Bonita Springs. We had so much fun and look forward to a longer stay next year … (this post is FILLED with photos) 🙂 Finley… Continue Reading →
ok, so no excuses on why I am so far behind … but I am back on the bloggin’ wagon (with some catch up) In March, Grammie and Papa came to Colorado and we all headed up for our yearly… Continue Reading →
We got some new croc’s to match our ultra mod etsy dress by April Scott … We are ready for spring!
I filled out one of those random 20 things about myself which included my desire to be a cashier at a grocery store so when Min’a came home from the Childrens Museum with a few photos of Elsie’s day I… Continue Reading →
Min’a, our nanny, does so many fun things with Elsie and does a great job capturing their adventures … I am so behind blogging but I promise to get on the ball! Here are some fun shots of Elsie at… Continue Reading →
Carolyn Fish (our neighbor) was kind enough to let Elsie go for a spin in her Jeep! Elsie immediately wanted to pick up Saffie for a trip around the block… Once Saffie was in, Mark gave Elsie a few tips… Continue Reading →
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