A couple of weeks ago we headed up to Vail for a weekend of Skiing. The house we were staying at didn’t really have a great sledding area, so with the help of Isabelle, Quinn, and Grammie we crafted our… Continue Reading →
This year I gave up control and let Elsie make her very own valentines … She used all of her favorites sticka’s, glue, markers and love to make them (Special thanks to Mindy who was overseeing the valentine production!) Here… Continue Reading →
Elsie showing off her XOXO* shirt from Niko! (she’s finally starting to smile for the camera!) *you probably only get this reference if you watch Gossip Girl (MT this one is for you!)
Mindy has been taking Elsie to the Erie Rec center pool and Elsie loves it … here is a shot of our pot-bellied piggy in the fountains. 🙂
Over the Holiday we took Elsie to her first movie theater movie … we went to see Bolt. We opted for the early matinee (popcorn at 10am is a bit much) and Elsie loved it. She was very excited to… Continue Reading →
We were lucky to have Scott, Julie and Niko visit Colorado for New Years. We saw Nicholas in September, but 3 months is a long time in baby minds so I don’t think Elsie was quite prepared for such fun… Continue Reading →
Lavi and Andrew had a Photo booth at their reception … it was AWESOME – I would seriously consider setting one of these up in my house! We had so much fun returning to the booth for more … here… Continue Reading →
We were excited to celebrate Lavi and Andrew’s wedding over the holidays … sorry for the delay in finally posting! My mom and I were the day-of-coordinators and were charged with getting the reception in order… we set up name… Continue Reading →
This year we headed to Scottsdale Arizona for Lavi and Andrew’s wedding and decided we should have some holiday vacation at the Firesky resort. We arrived Christmas Eve and although we told Santa not to come this year (since we… Continue Reading →
Poor Mark … this year I had a crazy idea to sew felt veggies for fun – this was going to be such a great kid friendly gift. I bought a pattern on Etsy (beware … do NOT hook etsy… Continue Reading →
Elsie had a bath in Grammie’s bath tub – we put in bubbles and decided to run the jets. It was Bubble Soup!
G. G. Ruby gave Elsie a new rocking horse for Christmas … we call the horse “Winnie” Here Winnie is meeting Rody and the whole gang – We suspect that Winnie is British because she absolutely loves tea and scones… Continue Reading →
Mindy and Elsie spent one snowy afternoon making holiday cookies Elsie was the sprinkle adder and eater Here are the masterpieces! Delicious!
A couple of weekends ago we hosted a wine tasting night, we put the last wine glass in the dishwasher around 1:30 a.m. and finally headed for bed. Elsie did her best to sleep in, but as 8:00 rolled around… Continue Reading →
We had a big snow a couple weeks ago and we bundled Elsie up and headed outside to see if we could teach her to shovel the driveway … Turns out the shovel was too big for Elsie to hold,… Continue Reading →
We have over 30 kids on our block and any time it snows you can count on sledding … Mindy and Jenna got Elsie her first tube sled – she put on her snow suit and headed out. Since it… Continue Reading →
Nicholas sent Elsie a trampoline for Christmas – pretty sure this is a ring in baby terms … well niko elsie says YES! Trampolining is a lot like Cricket, you have to stop the game for some Tea Even spectators… Continue Reading →
Amy snapped this photo in Montana and its so cute! Finally a photo of Mark, Mandy and Saffie – And she is smiling! Isn’t she adorable!
Dylan, Lauren and Kevin discovered Geocaching … my mom found a few “caches” located right behind our house in the rims. Geocaching is modern day treasure hunting – you are given coordinates, some clues and you are off.  Before the… Continue Reading →
doing some blogging catch up… This Thanksgiving we spent the week in Montana and all gathered at the under construction house at Virginia Lane for the big dinner. The cleaning crew (me, mom, rod, mark and my dad) headed over… Continue Reading →
Each day we have been receiving beautiful holiday cards and each time its like a slap in the face … I don’t even have an eligible photo to use. One day we quickly did an impromptu photo shoot in Elsie’s… Continue Reading →
Many years ago I started watching the TLC show Clean Sweep – for those who haven’t seen the show, the crew goes into a house overgrown with clutter and helps the owner purge, organize and create a functional space. They… Continue Reading →
When we were in Montana we finally got to meet Lavio Sears (Patrick and Brits new baby). He is sweet as can be!
Elsie has been trying out reindeer for her (box) sleigh, she thinks she found some winners in Lil Kev, Dylan and Lauren.
While in Montana for Thanksgiving (yes a little late on this post) we headed out to Lockwood School – we were “working” and Elsie was attending the new Lockwood School Daycare (which was great). We had some surprise visitors come… Continue Reading →
Elsie in the Snow – she’s all bundled up and ready for action! Elsie with her new Elmo slippers – nothing beats wearing your favorite character on your feet – though maybe she needs some “Remy” (from Ratatouille) slippers!
Elsie performed her first monologue to empty amphitheater in Boulder
Saffie and Elsie just happened to be at Kangaroo Kingdome at the same time the other day. Elsie wanted to show her cousin around the place … it was a double bow day! 🙂
Elsie loves to look at herself as a baby, although instead of saying Elsie, she says baby because clearly anyone that is even a day younger is a baby!
At the beginning of November we headed out to New York City to celebrate Julie’s 35th birthday and Scott’s 5th year cancer free. We left Elsie in Colorado with Grammie and Papa (that deserves a whole post by a guest… Continue Reading →
Today we are thinking of our good friend, Shelley Dolan (really my second mother) as she goes through surgery. After a mammogram turned up abnormal cells many months ago, her family physician told her it was nothing to worry about…. Continue Reading →
Our very dear friends Matt and Rachel’s mom Beth was diagnosed with Breast Cancer – Today is Beth’s Birthday and we joined in the fun to stuff her (virtual) mailbox full of birthday wishes. Here is Elsie with her sign… Continue Reading →
Scott has a shoe fetish … its funny wouldn’t notice if you cut or dyed your hair, but he can tell if you are wearing a new pair of shoes. Vincent Shoes was having a fantastic sale on Cybermonday and… Continue Reading →
Its funny, Finley and Elsie don’t know it yet, but they are already BFF’s (get used to it girls). I think they are finally starting to play together (yes, mom I know they are only parallel playing, but it looks… Continue Reading →
Today was Grammies birthday and Elsie wanted to send some birthday wishes (sorry for the late post, I am still learning how to string together videos using imovie). Happy Birthday Grammie! We love you Grammie! (for all of you Lockwood-ites,… Continue Reading →
I got these little stamps at office max I don’t know why but I find it extremely satisfying to stamp them on my processed paperwork …
Today the Sladden’s are wishing Julie a very very happy 35th birthday! Elsie has a hard time saying Happy Birthday – so she is showing her love with a sign! Tomorrow we are headed out to NYC to celebrate Julie’s… Continue Reading →
all of our pre-halloween activities led up to one night of trick-or-treating. We only made it 5 houses in an hour and a half – the baby chick had a great time and the feathers were quite warm. Here she… Continue Reading →
Last night we received Greg’s absentee ballot from Australia … so Elsie and I dressed in red, white and blue to hand deliver it to the county clerk. Here’s hoping a little Elsie luck will send Colorado blue! this election… Continue Reading →
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