Life in Colorado

Tag elsie


Every Sunday we eat breakfast at our favorite Walnut Cafe in Boulder … This particular morning Elsie was feeling a little Rock-star-ish!). She’s 3 going on 20 – SCARY!

Akumal! (part 1)

This year we headed south to Mexico for our annual Johnston/Sladden family vacation. We rented a house in Akumal (between Playa del Carmen and Tulum). We opted for a Memorial Day vacation instead of the usual Labor day retreat because… Continue Reading →

Barbie Jeep!

We got out the barbie jeep this weekend and finally elsie can both steadily press the pedal and steer making it a much better ride for saffie. Josh was on hand just in case we needed him (also note the… Continue Reading →


We are big fans of the Strider bike – a two wheel bike with no pedals designed to teach kids balance. We started taking Strider classes at Boulder Indoor Cycling. The Velodrome is amazing – its filled with ramps and… Continue Reading →

Thanks Easter Bunny!

This easter elsie was really into the Easter bunny. While at the mall she desperately wanted to sit on the Bunny’s lap and ask it some very important questions – sadly it turned out to be a Mute, but she… Continue Reading →

O-fish-ially 2!

This post is sooo overdue – excuse the tardiness. This year we decided to give elsie a choice of birthday theme … we laid out three visual cards (Bugs – from bugs life, Under the sea – nemo and little… Continue Reading →

First Hair Cut

Elsie’s hair was starting to look like a full blown mullett and I decided it was time for a hair cut. We headed over to Lollylocks where Elsie chose a dinosaur to ride for the big event. I expected more… Continue Reading →

The Box

In Mark’s efforts to truly Go GREEN, he has asked us to not buy plastic toys* (although sometimes they just show up and I can’t really refuse them or find the slip to return them to target). Elsie had to… Continue Reading →

Giant Spraying Beach Ball

It has been HOT, HOT, HOT so we headed out to find Elsie a fun water toy. We ended up with a Gigantic Beach Ball that hooks to a hose and sprays water. After much blowing, I convinced mark to… Continue Reading →

Sunday picnic at the lake

On Sunday we headed over to Lake Valley to have a visit with the Spruill’s – today we tried out our new giraffe suit (me tarzan, you jane)… I wasn’t sure if Elsie would be into the water, but instantly… Continue Reading →

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